

ZEN-Enzymen is het derde product uit de harde kern van 5 producten die wij hier beschrijven ter ondersteuning van mensen met chronische klachten.

Maar ook topsporters en mensen die veel hebben meegemaakt of zware verantwoordelijkheid dragen, worden op krachtige wijze ondersteund door deze 5 producten

ZEN-Enzymen zijn in feite een lapmiddel voor mensen die nog gekookt, gewokt, gebakken, gepasteuriseerd of gestoomd voedsel eten. Omdat bijna alle mensen dit nog doen, is dit product onmisbaar voor bijna iedereen. Als voedsel verhit wordt boven de 40 graden Celsius, gaan alle enzymen dood. Als enzymen eenmaal dood zijn neemt de opneembaarheid van voedsel af met 80%. Omdat voedsel dat eenmaal gegeten is toch verteert moet worden door enzymen worden hiervoor enzymen gebruikt uit je eigen lichaamsvoorraad, die na jaren enzymloos eten uitgeput raakt. Hierdoor gaat er van alles minder goed functioneren tot het enzymen bankroet zich uiteindelijk manifesteert  in ernstige chronische klachten.

Mensen die last van maag en darmen krijgen na het eten van maaltijden kunnen onmiddellijke verlichting ervaren als zij voor de maaltijden enzymen slikken. Als u last begint te krijgen van eten dat u vroeger wel kon verdragen dan wordt het ook tijd om gezondere life-style keuzes te gaan maken. Wij helpen u daar graag mee. U kunt bij ons een proefconsult met Hippocrates Health Educator Maryse Moerel boeken voor 50 euro excl. 21% BTW (ongeveer 60 euro incl. BTW). Daarna kunt u 10 keer 2 uur achtereen terugkomen voor training, waarna u precies weet wat u zelf kunt ondernemen om genezing in het lichaam op gang te brengen.

Enzymen staan aan de basis van ieder stofwisselingsproces in je lichaam. Zonder de tussenkomst van enzymen, kan er geen stofwisseling plaatsvinden. Iedere beweging die je maakt, iedere knippering met je ogen, wordt in gang gezet door enzymen. Vitaminen, mineralen, sporenelementen en proteïnen hebben geen pootjes en liggen als het ware op hun luie rug totdat een enzym ervoor zorgt dat ze "gestofwisseld" worden en op de plaatsen in het lichaam belanden waar ze nodig zijn. Enzymen zitten alleen in levend organisch voedsel dat nooit verhit is geweest boven de 40 garden Celsius. Zodra voedsel verhit wordt boven de 40 graden Celsius gaan alle enzymen dood en keldert de opneembaarheid van uw voedsel met meer dan 80% omlaag. Daarom moet u levende enzymen slikken voordat u een maaltijd met gekookt voedsel gaat eten, anders kunt u op de lange termijn uw vitaliteit NIET behouden.

ZEN – Enzymen bestaat uit een superieure formule die optimaal enzymen afgeeft in het gehele maag- darmkanaal. Onze formule bestaat uit eerste klas, volledig spectrum spijsverteringsenzymen waaraan voedings co- factoren zijn toegevoegd.

ZEN – Enzymen  ondersteunt op krachtige wijze de spijsvertering en kan ook gebruikt worden om het lichaam te reinigen van afvalstoffen. Het is een mengsel van uitsluitend plantaardige enzymen en andere plantaardige hulpmiddelen. ZEN - Enzymen werkt optimaal bij ruime PH variaties in de omgeving.


Voedsel enzymen werken samen met de enzymen van de pancreas. Als we geen overvloedige voorraad enzymen hebben, gaat onze spijsvertering falen. Hoe meer geraffineerd eten we consumeren, des te minder enzymen we tot onze beschikking hebben en hoe moeilijker het wordt om voedingsstoffen uit ons eten op te nemen.

Het immuunsysteem, de bloedstroom, de lever, de nieren, de milt en de alvleesklier zijn bijzonder afhankelijk van enzymen om te kunnen functioneren. Zonder enzymen proberen witte bloedlichaampjes de functie van enzymen over te nemen. Als dit gebeurt voelen wij ons moe na het eten en verzwakken wij ons immuunsysteem. Enzymen zijn verantwoordelijk voor ELK BIOCHEMISCH PROCES in ons lichaam. Al het leven hangt af van enzymen. Daarom worden enzymen wel de LEVENSVONK genoemd.

Het is heel opvallend, dat in de medicijnen opleiding nauwelijks aandacht besteed wordt aan het belang en de functie van enzymen. In het gezondheids centrum waaraan wij verbonden zijn, is aangetoond dat een tekort aan enzymen in het lichaam en in ons voedsel uiterst desastreus is voor onze gezondheid en aan de basis staat van chronische klachten en verlies van vitaliteit.

Gebruik & dosering:

Voor verbetering van de spijsvertering neemt u 2 capsules, 15 minuten voor aanvang van iedere maaltijd. Als u drie maaltijden gebruikt, neemt u drie keer twee capsules per dag. Als u veel gaat eten neemt u meer capsules. Voor drie gangen diners in restaurants neemt u 8 capsules.

Voor lichaamsreiniging neemt u 3 maal daag 3 capsules per keer op een lege maag een uur voor de maaltijd of twee uur na de maaltijd. Bewaren op een koele droge plaats. Het is belangrijk dat u  gedurende de gehele dag voldoende water drinkt. Als u maagzweren heeft of zwanger bent, raadpleeg dan uw arts voor gebruik.

Enzymen samengevat:

A.  Enzymen zijn verantwoordelijk voor bijna ieder onderdeel van het leven en de gezondheid. Enzymen zijn veel belangrijker dan ieder ander voedingsmiddel. Enzymen vormen de meest fundamentele basis van alle stofwisselingsprocessen in ons lichaam.

B.  Enzymen zijn noodzakelijk voor het beheersen van alle geestelijke en fysieke functies. Elke lichaamscel heeft meer dan 100.000 enzymdeeltjes nodig voor metabolische processen.

C.  Enzymen kunnen zonder de aanwezigheid van andere substanties, die co-enzymen genoemd geworden, niet effectief functioneren. Co-enzymen bestaan uit mineralen, vitaminen en proteïnen.

D.  Zodra enzymen hun taak hebben voltooid, worden zij vernietigd. Daarom is er een constante toelevering van enzymen vereist om gezond te kunnen blijven.

E.   Enzymen komen voor in alle levende cellen, ofwel in rauw plantaardig voedsel of voedsel dat niet hoger verhit is dan 40 graden Celsius. Bij verhitting boven de 40 graden Celsius gaan alle enzymen dood.

F.   Enzymen regelen samen met hormonen  alle lichaamsprocessen. Enzymen helpen bij het omzetten van proteïnen in aminozuren. Proteïne functioneert niet tenzij het omgezet wordt in aminozuren. Aminozuren kunnen worden beschouwd als "enzymendrager", waarvan de functie het transport naar de diverse functies in het lichaam is.

G.  Enzymen helpen om lichaamseigen mineralen uit voedsel halen. Enzymen zetten de mineralen om in een alkalische ontgiftende stof die  zuren, cellulair afval en giftige stoffen binnen het lichaam neutraliseert en ze geschikt maakt voor en voorbereid op verwijdering uit het lichaam.

H.  Enzymen gebruiken mineralen om, zowel binnen als buiten de cellen, tot een goede balans van opgeloste vaste stoffen te komen. Hierbij wordt zowel de interne als de externe cel druk in osmotisch evenwicht gebracht.

I.    Vitaminen, co-enzymen en enzymen zijn samen noodzakelijk voor elke chemische reactie in elke cel van het lichaam. Zonder mineralen die met behulp van enzymen uit voedsel worden gehaald, zouden de vitaminen hun functie niet uit kunnen oefenen.

J.   Een enzymen tekort of enzymdeficiëntie is veelal de diepste oorzaak van lichamelijke onevenwichtigheid en de daaruit voortvloeiende symptomen.

K.  Daarom kan uw lichaam in feite niet zonder extra enzymen. Vooral als u regelmatig enzymloos gekookt voedsel eet heeft u bij alle maaltijden enzymen nodig. Bij het gezondheidscentrum waaraan wij verbonden zijn, krijgen de patiënten uitsluitend nog enzymrijk levend plantaardig voedsel toegediend en de genezende kracht van dit simpele principe is overweldigend.

Overige Opmerkingen:

Vanwege de invoering van de Codex Alimentarius voor vitamines en voedingssupplementen op 14 dec. 2012 in Nederland doen we de volgende mededeling: De werking van ZEN-planten is niet vastgesteld door een medische instantie. ZEN-Enzymen voorkomt, ondersteunt en geneest geen ziektes. Wij bij ZEN-Tarwegras achten, de Codex Alimentarius voor vitamines en voedingssupplementen ingegaan in Nederland op 14 dec. 2012, regelrecht in strijd met de Nederlandse Grondwet. Wij vinden het verbazingwekkend dat de farmaceutische industrie middels haar onophoudelijke lobby op Europees niveau in staat is om in een democratisch land als Nederland een wet ingevoerd te krijgen die én in strijd is met de Grondwet én in een klap alle eeuwenoude planten, homeopathische en antroposofische geneesmiddelen van de tafel veegt. Hier prevaleren de miljarden belangen van 1 industrie boven de grondrechten van een heel volk. Het grote publiek heeft door deze wet in feite alleen nog toegang tot chemische medicatie.

Het gezondheids instituut waaraan wij verbonden zijn,  heeft na 50 jaar research op duizenden patiënten onomstotelijk vastgesteld dat de kwaliteit van het bloed altijd achteruit gaat zodra door mensen gemaakte chemische stoffen worden ingenomen. Het bloedbeeld gaat dus achteruit bij inname van chemische medicijnen, bij inademen van uitlaatgassen, bij inname van chemisch nagemaakte vitamines of chemische stoffen die aan voedsel worden toegevoegd om ze houdbaar of aantrekkelijk (smaak, geur, kleur, textuur stoffen) te maken.

Dit betekent dat chronisch zieke mensen die dagelijks chronisch chemische medicijnen gebruiken langzaam maar zeker steeds verder in gezondheid achteruit gaan omdat hun bloedbeeld steeds verder afneemt. Alleen een wonder kan deze chronisch zieke mensen met chronisch medicijn gebruik nog redden. Tenzij men op een dag bereid is om oude gewoontes achter zich te laten en met volle kracht bereid is om er alles aan te doen om het bloedbeeld weer gezond te maken. Bewuste mensen kunnen, als ze zich verdiepen in deze materie, bijna altijd wegen vinden om hun bloedkwaliteit aanzienlijk te verbeteren, maar daarvoor hebben ze wel planten nodig die Moeder Aarde vrijelijk afgeeft. We mogen, na invoering van bovengenoemde Codex niets meer zeggen over de werking van planten als je die wilt aanbieden aan consumenten. Daarom uiten wij slechts onze persoonlijke meningen op deze website en kunt u hier geen producten bestellen. Zelfs journalisten mogen niet meer schrijven over de werking van planten, zelfs niet als de leverancier van de planten wetenschappelijk bewijs kan overleggen inzake de werking van de planten.

Enzymes - Research

Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van de wetenschappelijke bevindingen omtrent enzymen door de belangrijkste internationale wetenschapper, dr. Edward Howell, op dit gebied. In onze ogen zou deze kennis standaard in de medische opleiding van onze toekomstige artsen moeten worden opgenomen. Zieke en vermoeide mensen kunnen door deze kennis op revolutionaire wijze geholpen worden geheel zonder de tussenkomst van chemische medicijnen, die de gezondheid op lange termijn altijd schaden.  Het artikel is in het engels geschreven en omwille van de authenticiteit niet vertaald.

Enzymes by dr. Edwaerd Howell (English info about enzymes) written by Viktoras Kulvinskas

If you eat cooked food, you need food enzymes. Adequate cellular nutrition is dependent on a combination of factors: dietary choices, method of food preparation, degree of thorough chewing, as well as the body's functional efficiency in digesting and assimilating food. Eating food-based enzymes is a key to helping your body maximize your genetic potential, even if you sometimes choose less-than optimal lifestyle habits. Using plant-based enzymes increases the availability of nutrients to the billions of cells that are your physical body. Your choosing to "dine with enzymes" can mean the difference between a life of mediocre or marginal health, and the experience of high-level wellness and abundant energy.

What are enzymes?

The word "enzyme" comes from the Greek word enzymas, which means "to ferment" or "cause a change". Enzymes are the foundation for all cell regeneration. They play a key role in the transformation of undigested food into the nutrients that are absorbed on the cellular level. With proper nutrition, we have the energy to participate in the dance of living. An enzyme is a specialized protein structure that carries with it an energetic charge. Enzymes speed up chemical reactions that normally take place very slowly or not at all. It is the energy behind the protein structure that makes enzymes different from other protein-based substances. It is this energetic life principle, sometimes called prana, or ch'i, that animates all life forms. The father of modern enzyme therapy, Dr Edward Howell, once said that enzymes emit a "kind of radiation" that can be picked up on Kirlian photographs, Howell can be singled out from other researchers because he stressed that enzymes are not merely expendable, protein-based chemical catalysts that move along chemical reactions. He forcefully argued that enzymes are none other than units of life-energy that use various protein molecules as their carriers.

Enzymes are much more sensitive to destruction by heat or cold than vitamins and minerals. Food cooked over 118 degrees F for more than a half an hour will kill all naturally-occurring enzymes. In the event that dry heat is used, the critical temperature for enzyme destruction is about 150 F. or 40 degrees Celsius.

Enzymes are the true workers in and out of our cells. As Dr. Richard Gerber MD states, "The enzymes catalyze specific reactions of chemicals either to create structure through molecular assemblies or to provide the electrochemical fire to run the cellular engines and ultimately keep the entire system working".

There are thousands of different enzymes, so many that one cannot separate enzyme activity with the process of life itself. From moving a muscle to blinking an eye, no biological work can be accomplished independent of enzymes. Without enzymes, the body would be nothing but inorganic matter.

Types of enzymes

Enzymes can be grouped into three main categories. The first category consists of the digestive enzymes, which the digestive system collects, manufactures and secretes to break down food. Examples of digestive enzymes are protease, which digests protein; amylase, which digests starch; and lipase, which digests fat. Each enzyme almost always has only one specific function that it carries out. For example, the enzyme protease only digests protein. The enzyme amylase only digests starches.

The second type of enzymes is composed of metabolic enzymes, which are present in every cell, tissue, and organ and act as biochemical catalysts in the second-to-second functioning of living cells. The metabolic antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD), which is present in all cells, reduces free radical damage, and thus retards the aging process. Raw foods, especially sprouts and algae, are rich in SOD.

The third class of enzymes is made up of various food enzymes, which come from raw, uncooked foods. The process of enzymatic digestion begins when you masticate your food in your mouth. When you chew, you not only mix the enzyme ptyalin from your salivary glands into the food, but allow the food- based enzymes present in the food to be released onto itself. This occurs from the moment that you rupture the cell walls of the food with your teeth.

Most fresh, well-grown produced food has at least enough enzymes to digest the specific amount of protein, starch or fat found in the food itself. As a general rule, the higher the caloric content of an uncooked food, the more enzymes Nature will have put into the food to handle the exact amount of nutrients present. Nature is so considerate and thoughtful! So, foods high in protein will have a high amount of protease or protein-digesting enzyme. Examples are blue-green algae and sunflower seeds. Foods such as whole oats have a high amount of amylase or starch-digesting enzymes. Foods such as avocados and nuts have naturally-occurring lipase or fat-digesting enzymes. Nature is so balanced!

One of the myths still held by many health food consumers is that eating a raw Vegetable salad alongside an otherwise cooked meal is sufficient to digest the cooked food portion of the meal. The reality of the situation is that since there is a direct correlation between the number of calories in a food and the amount of enzymes present, low-calorie salads have relatively few enzymes to help out in digesting any other food you may be eating. Unless the salad is composed of sprouts (which are naturally high in enzymes because they are young plants), you cannot count on raw salads to be of much help in digesting other foods.

Enzyme logic in dollars and sense

Let's play a little with the concept of enzymes by using our day-to-day experience of banking as a metaphor. Your body's enzymes can be likened to cash reserves in your own life-force bank account. Each time you eat enzyme-less food, you tax your system by making a withdrawal from this enzyme bank. Meal by meal you decrease your enzyme net worth, which can be equated with your life potential. Since at least half of all enzyme capital in the body is assigned to digesting foods, eating life-less cooked foods in effect puts a continual hold on 50% of your budget. Your individual budget limit is determined by your genetic inheritance.

If one's enzyme capital is frozen in this way, your ability to allocate funds to improve the quality of your life is then on hold to the tune of 50% of your net worth! You’ll then have limited enzyme resources with which to make much-needed home improvements (cleansing and rebuilding organs and tissues) and protecting your enzyme life savings via a strong immune system. To complicate matters, your bills are coming due, and guess what, your account is low in funds! You're desperate, so you borrow (take stimulants such as coffee to keep going) because your credit rating (overall health) is bad due to years and years of Withdrawals. You now wish that you had made more enzyme deposits in your life force bank account, so that you wouldn't be finding yourself in arrears, experiencing energy deficiencies. You get the point. Now that you know how health finances work, start investing in your future health by taking plant-based enzymes today, before life hands you a bill that you can't afford to pay! It could be the best investment, with a return of new youthful energy and freedom from some of the crises of middle age.

Enzymes throughout history

In the 1890s, the forerunners of the modern science of nutrition discovered building-block substances in food. They named these building-blocks proteins.  At the turn of the 20th century, a new word was coined to refer to a class of food-based, bio-active, organically bound chemical substances found to be essential for human health. These substances were called vitamins. And about a decade or so later, the importance of organic minerals in food was recognized to be equally essential to health.

More than 100 years after the birth of modern scientific nutrition, we find ourselves at an exciting juncture. A missing link in our understanding of the life giving properties of food is being illuminated by the increasing acceptance of the critical role of food-based enzymes for health and longevity. I predict that in the near future, the recognition of the impact of enzymes on health will have even more profound repercussions than many of the discoveries related to vitamins, minerals, and proteins have had.

We can begin a discussion of nutrition as it relates to enzymes by talking about our first food: milk. Numerous medical studies and current public health statistics confirm what our prehistoric ancestors knew, that infants who were breast-fed on human mother's milk had fewer health problems than those infants who were raised on pasteurized cow's milk. Aside from the self-evident fact that human mother's milk is ideally suited for human infants and cow's milk is ideally suited for calves, it is significant that the former is unheated and therefore enzyme-rich and the latter is heated and therefore enzyme-poor

More than 20 years ago, I discovered Dr. Howell's long out-of-print first book gathering dust in the basement of a medical library where I was doing health research. Published in 1939, this limited edition book was entitled, The Status of Food Enzymes in Digestion and Metabolism. With much effort I traced its author, who was in his 80s, and found him affiliated with an enzyme manufacturing company he himself had founded in the 1930s. Dr. Howell graciously gave me permission to reprint and update the book under the new title, Food Enzymes for Health and Longevity. About a decade later, Howell's classic was again republished in a simplified and popularized version by Avery Press and renamed Enzyme Nutrition. With this last release, the long-ignored discoveries of Dr. Howell spread to many health practitioners and seekers of health around the world.

Dr Howell's food enzyme concept

Dr. Edward Howell was the first nutritional scientist to develop a large experimental and theoretical body of work aimed at answering the complex and critically important question, "What are the connections between food or supplement-based enzyme intake, health, disease, and longevity?" Howell devoted his entire adult life to conducting numerous animal and human experiments in his attempt to strengthen the theory that food enzyme deficiencies promote disease and premature aging, whereas enzyme-rich diets promote good health and longevity. To this end, his book, The Status of Food Enzymes in Digestion and Metabolism cited more than 400 research papers, which in his day represented the cutting edge of science. Modern researchers have yet to comprehend fully the implications of that book. As Dr. Howell once said, "To say that the body can easily digest and assimilate cooked foods may some day prove to be the most grievous oversight yet committed by science".

Dr, Howell theorized that on a largely cooked, low-enzyme diet, the digestive system borrows enzymes from the body's general metabolic enzyme pool to help digest enzyme less cooked food. Howell emphasized that the consequences of this adaptive measure were great, in that diverting enzymes from one system to another eventually weakened the functioning if these other systems and the body in general. For example, he argued that the immune system was compromised due to gradual enzyme deficiency and that this set the stage for numerous health problems such as allergies, cancer, and diabetes. If he were alive today, Howell would undoubtedly include AIDS on this list.

In treating his patients, Dr. Howell initially prescribed raw food diets but soon found this to be impractical because many patients lacked the willpower required to stay on such a regime. By 1932, however, he had already developed a plant-based enzyme supplement designed to replace the enzymes lost in a typical cooked food diet.

Dr Howell discovered that enzyme supplements from plant sources were uniquely effective. Below are just a few of some of Howell's basic concepts. (For a more complete discussion, please consult the book Enzymes for Health and Longevity).

1. Food enzymes are essential nutrients.

2. Being more fragile to the effects of heat than vitamins and minerals, food enzymes are destroyed by the high temperature of cooking.

3. When food is chewed and swallowed in its raw natural state, enzymes immediately go to work in the upper cardiac portion of the stomach.

4. Eating a low-enzyme, cooked food diet increases the size of the pancreas, a sign that this organ is being overworked. He further hypothesized that this condition is a precursor to various forms of dysfunction such as hypoglycemia, diabetes and metabolic imbalances.

5. A deficiency of food enzymes in the diet gives rise to "digestive leukocytosis" This is an excess of white cells in the digestive system and blood which is not the case when raw, high enzyme foods are eaten.

More than 60 years ago, Dr. Edward Howell began to cultivate one special species of the many aspergillus plants that existed in the plant kingdom. He picked the "oryzae" strain because there were no harmful aflatoxins (a type of poison) associated with this plant. More importantly, however, this strain contained a rich store of the very same enzymes that the human body used to digest food.

For the first time in recorded history, Howell gave the powdered form of these little plants directly to human patients. He found that aspergillus oryzae was a key to treating a whole host of seemingly unrelated ailments. Because of the success of his clinical work, he dedicated his life to working out a theoretical and experimental platform to explain how these seeming miracles had been accomplished. The development of the "Food Enzyme Concept" in human nutrition was this great man's life's work.

This chapter would not have been written, nor perhaps would I be as alive and healthy as I am today, if it were not for the amazing properties of these "angel-hair-in-appearance" microscopic plants. I have eaten aspergiilus plant digestive enzymes for more than 20 years. I have also experimented with other animal and vegetarian-based enzymes such as pancreatin, pepsin, papain and bromelaine. I have concluded that aspergilus enzymes are far superior to these other enzyme sources.

Recycling and specificity of enzymes

The editor of the Scottish Medical Journal (1966) wrote that "probably nearly half of our daily production of protein in the body are enzymes". In a way, our bodies are like big enzyme factories. There is strong evidence that the body seeks to conserve its digestive enzymes. In the prestigious scientific journal Science, Liebow and Rothman (1975) describe an experiment in which it was found that pancreatic enzymes given by mouth can be absorbed intact from the gut, transported through the bloodstream and then be re-secreted into the duodenum by the pancreas!!!

There is an antagonistic relationship between the demands of the digestive system for a continual supply of enzymes and the need of the organs, glands and immune system for enzymes with which to do their work. The competition for enzyme resources can easily be relieved by the consumption of food-sourced enzymes. Dr. Guyton's authoritative Textbook of Medical Physiology (1986) states that the pancreas, stomach and possibly other organs secrete specific digestive enzymes according to the type and quantity of food present. The ingestion of plant enzymes may have a conserving effect on the body's enzyme potential, possibly aiding cell and organ regeneration by digesting the foods which normally would have required the body's own pancreatic enzymes.

Co-enzymes make super-enzymes

Organic minerals and vitamins are sometimes bound to enzymes that are integrated into the enzyme structure and are referred to as co-enzymes. According to Dr. Maynard Murray, MD, every naturally occurring organic mineral should be considered essential for optimal health. Minerals are essential for the working of enzymes, and enzymes are essential for the working of minerals. A few examples: if a certain enzyme is lacking an essential co-factor mineral such as zinc, then the enzyme cannot successfully activate vitamin A to do Its work.

If  a co-factor of vitamin C lacks the proline hydroxylase enzyme, this will lead to impaired collagen synthesis which will profoundly affect muscle recovery and wound healing. Co-enzymes give the enzymes the power to do their work. Medical researcher Dr. Hagivara MD concludes: "Modern science has made it clear that all chemical changes within the cells of man are performed by the action of enzymes. It has been found that minerals have much to do with the activities of enzymes. In that sense, minerals can be said to be enzymes for the enzymes."

Enzymes are without a doubt the most important and most overlooked elements in nutrition today. A deficiency of merely one enzyme may cause the mal-functioning of an entire metabolic chain reaction in the body, thereby preventing some vital function from unfolding. If the food we eat is rich in enzymes, vitamins and minerals, it will add to our lives. If it is deficient in any of these elements, this will take away from the total life force available to us. Vitamins, minerals, and hormones cannot work without the presence of enzymes.

Enzyme deficiency diseases

The length and quality of life is directly proportional to the amount of available enzymes in the body. The level of amylase in human saliva is approximately 30 times more abundant in the average 25-year-old than the average |81-year-old. In contrast, whales and dolphins, who live in the perfectly balanced aquatic environment and live entirely on raw foods have no difference in cell enzyme composition in young and old. (Murray MD, Sea Energy Agriculture)

If one were to analyze the bloodstreams of newborns and elderly persons, there would be little difference noted in the comparative blood levels of most vitamins and minerals in the infant and the old person. Amazingly, however, there are more than a 100 times more enzymes present in the bloodstream of a newbon than that of an elderly person! This, to me, is an incredible, startling fact! Given this, can we then not look at premature old age, or for that matter, the aging process itself, as a biological condition with a major characteristic being a pronounced enzyme deficiency?

Vibrant, healthy cells have high enzyme activity levels. Enzymes are the spark of life and are what makes living cells and tissues truly alive. It is a dubious strategy to expect energy and aliveness from life and then go about eating all that is dead and lifeless. Dr. Francis Pottenger's famous ten- year study showed just that. He fed one group of cats an enzyme-rich diet, and found these cats maintained their health and vigor throughout several generations. A second group of cats, who were fed a diet consisting of at least 80% cooked food, exhibited evidence of degenerative disease. Pottenger's data supported Howell's theories that raw food contains vital factors no longer present in cooked food.

The SAD (Standard American Diet) has a much higher percentage of cooked and processed foods than most other diets, hence it does not come as a surprise to see that more than 70% of Americans are suffering from some form of degenerative disease. The excess intake of cooked fats leads to the exhaustion of the body's ability to manufacture sufficient amounts of lipase, the enzyme responsible for digesting fat. This in turn can lead to obesity, adult onset diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Eskimos on the other hand can eat up to a pound of lipase-rich raw blubber each and every day and not have any signs or symptoms of cardiovascular disease. However when Eskimos began to cook their fats like Westerners, they began to suffer from the same degenerative diseases that Western cultures do.

Another medical researcher, Dr. Paul Kauchakoff, MD, experimented with the effects of cooked and raw foods on the bloodstreams of humans. Dr. Kauchakoff found that eating cooked foods caused an immediate increase in the leucocyte (white blood) cell count in the bloodstream, whereas the same food eaten raw did not change blood physiology. Before this important experiment, medical dictum taught that it was a normal physiological event for leucocytes to increase in the blood and migrate to the intestines as soon as food entered the mouth. The strongest hypothesis formulated to explain this phenomenon is that in the body's wisdom. White blood cells collect enzymes from the body's enzyme reserves and migrate to the digestive system to aid in the digestion of the cooked food. Every cooked meal can then be seen as a significant stress on the immune system, speeding the exhaustion of enzymes and ultimately shortening your life.

Enzymeless diet speeds ageing

Dr. James B. Sumner, Nobel Prize recipient and Professor of Biochemistry at Cornell University, wrote in his book The Secret of Life - Enzymes that the "getting old feeling" after 40 is due to reduced enzyme levels throughout the body. Young cells contain 100 times more enzymes than old cells. Old cells are filled with metabolic waste and toxins.

In the textbook Enzymes in Health and Disease, co-edited by Dr. David Greenberg PhD, Chair of the Department of Biochemistry at the University of California School of Medicine at San Francisco, this editor suggests that for optimal health, longevity, and the reduction of many of the diseases of old age, the use of proteolytic (protein- digesting) enzymes should begin about the age of 40 and should optimally continue for the rest of the life-span.

In a similar vein, Dr. Max Wolf, MD, in his book Enzyme Therapy, strongly endorses the use of plant-based enzymes. Dr Wolf states: "Indigestion due to greasy foods is common... Plant-based enzymes are helpful for weak digestions common in old age, or for digestive disturbances. Enzymes are helpful with large rich meals or hard-to-digest foods. Preparations fortified with plant lipase, prevent postprandial (after eating) discomfort or gallbladder attacks."

Enzymes fight free radicals

Free radicals are not holdovers from the 1960s, but are highly reactive, electrically imbalanced molecules that damage other cells by trying to unite with them I a sort of sexual harassment on the cellular level. When this happens, the cell wall Is ruptured and the contents of the cell spills out and begins a cascade of reactions that causes more free radicals to form. Free radical formation is always pathological but is a natural event that occurs in the process of living. Eating poor foods and living an unhealthy lifestyle can increase free radical formation. However, our body manufactures special antioxidant enzymes (i.e. superoxide dismutase) to remove free radicals before they create cellular damages. In youth, our cells are able to produce sufficient amounts of the metabolic enzymes superoxide dismutase and catalase, which enable them to defend themselves by neutralizing free radicals. As we age we need to provide the cells with sufficient support, so that they can continue to maintain that balance.

Plant versus animal enzymes

Animal-based enzymes work very powerfully on food when the optimal acid-alkaline (pH) environment that these animal-based enzymes require is present. What animal enzyme manufacturers, and those that prescribe these products, do not tell you is that the optimal conditions that are necessary for animal-based enzymes to work optimally do not correspond to the actual in vivi (in the body) conditions of the human gastrointestinal tract. Outside this narrow, optimal range, animal enzymes do not work as well as apergillus plant-based enzymes.

Pepsin, which only digests protein, is taken from pig carcasses and works if - and only if - the acid environment stomach reaches a pH of 3 or less. This is not always the case, especially in humans who would need supplemental Pepsin in the first place. Pancreatin, which is taken from cow carcasses,  works best in the neutral or slightly alkaline environment of the duodenum at a pH of between 7,8 and 8.3. These conditions are also not always present.

In contrast, plant-based aspergiilus oryzae enzymes function well in the wide pH range actually found in the human gastrointestinal tract. Aspergillus oryzae plant enzymes are active in the stomach during the first 30 to 60 minutes of the meal. When the acidity of the lower (pyloric) stomach climbs, the aspergillus enzymes are temporarily inactivated . As it passes into the alkaline environment of the duodenum, aspergiilus becomes re-activated again.

Enzyme products help the "SAD" one

The National Digestive Disease Information Clearinghouse in Bethesda, Maryland published these 1993 statistics for the US, as follows: 116,609 digestive system cancer deaths; 20 million cases of gallstones; 66 million reports Of "heartburn" each month; 20 million cases of irritable bowel syndrome; 191,311 total deaths due to digestive diseases; 22.3 million work-loss days due to chronic indigestion; 9 million work-loss days due to acute indigestion; 4,5 million hospitalizations due to indigestion; 13% of total hospitalizations due to digestive disorders; 5.8 million digestive system surgeries; and 7% of the total number of surgeries performed were digestive system releted.

Indigestion brings in its malodorous trail a host of symptoms and discomforts such as heartburn, gas, bloatedness, nausea, burping, bad breath, body odors, headaches, abdominal pain, insomnia, nightmares, allergies, fatigue, constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulosis, cramps, spasms, skin problems, acne, pimples, food allergies, antacid dependency, post-meal mental fatigue, lack of concentration, memory loss, and nervousness. What are the harmful consequences of chronic indigestion? When food does not digest properly, starches go sour, proteins putrefy and fats turn rancid. Important nutrients become unavailable to the billions of cells that clamor for them. Excess acidity or alkalinity can set in, resulting in aches and pains and a loss of energy that is sometimes mistaken for psychological depression. The electro-voltage potential of your cells declines, leading to premature aging. To compensate for this generalized lack of energy some of us eat sugar or caffeine to "jump start" ourselves so we can "keep on going." If this negative cycle persists, we will keep on going to an early grave.

Furthermore, chemical energy is stored in a molecule known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP). By way of enzymatic action, food is transformed into energy and then stored in the ATP molecules in our cells. The less efficient is our digestion, the less ATP energy will be created. Furthermore, when digestion is inefficient, fermenting and putrefying food has to be neutralized by our immune system, which requires ATP energy to do the cleansing.

The enzyme effect on allergies

Allergies are among the most common and costly of all health problems, afflicting an estimated 37 million people at a cost in excess of over 1.5 billion dollars a year. Nine percent of all patients seeking medical care at a physician's office do so for allergies. (Asthma and other Allergic Diseases, NIAID  NIH Publ. No 79-387, 5/79) Allergies can be caused by an innumerable variety of substances, including food, pollen, dust, molds, drugs, cosmetics, toiletries, fabrics, poison ivy, etc. These allergens can enter your body through your food, the air, your skin, and even via medical injections.

Food allergies evoke a wide variety of symptoms, including fatigue, nervous tension, headaches, dizziness, nasal congestion, runny nose, itching, rashes, abdominal cramping, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Foods high on the allergy list are milk, wheat, corn, eggs, seafood, and chocolate. Many people are also allergic to berries, citrus, and tomatoes. It is possible to be allergic to any food, including whole natural foods. However, I have observed that many people who are allergic to unsoaked or cooked seeds, nuts, and grains are no longer allergic to them when they are sprouted or soaked, or they take food enzymes. Why does this positive change take place? The enzymes in these foods become enlivened with the sprouting process. The complex allergenic elements of these foods, i.e. the gluten found in wheat, become pre-digested and/or "neutralized by the action of these enzymes.

Many foods contain these hard-to-digest elements. Dr. Howell cited experiments that showed that bacteria, yeast cells, large protein molecules, and fats can slip through the walls of the intestines and into the bloodstream. If this happens, the already stressed immune system will not be able to deal with these undigested food elements and foreign proteins floating around. He further demonstrated that protective enzymes in the bloodstream break down these substances and absorb or neutralize them. In this connection, it was also found that if enzyme levels were too low, allergies developed. When supplemental enzymes were administered and the measured enzyme level in the blood had significantly increased, the allergies disappeared.The allergic reaction itself is the body's way to remove the allergen from the system. If the allergic reaction is suppressed by medication, then the body is forced to store the allergen in the body. The long- term effect of suppression is the eventual development of degenerative disease.

Dr. Cory Resnick, in Plant Enzyme Therapy, discusses practical approaches in treatment of food allergies: "By digesting dietary protein, plant enzymes administered orally at mealtime work to decrease the supply of antigenic macromolecules available to leak into the bloodstream. In addition, orally administered plant enzymes which have themselves been absorbed intact may help to 'digest' antigenic dietary proteins which they encounter in the blood¬ stream." (Pizzome et al, '92).

Enzyme fasting and healing

When you fast or go on a liquid diet of raw fruit and vegetable juices, your digestive system no longer has to produce enzymes. According to what Dr. Howellrefers to as the "law of adaptive secretion," the enzyme potential that is no longer directed into digesting food can now be utilized by the general metabolic pool. These enzymes are now free to repair and rejuvenate the tissues and organs that need attention in other parts of the body. Many a seriously ill person has surprised family, friends, and doctors by healing themselves of seemingly incurable diseases when they adopted a total life-enhancing regime that included a high enzyme diet including supplementary enzymes, sufficient rest, appropriate exercise, positive mental attitude, and a conducive social and physical environment.

For a person who is run-down and toxic, it is not impossible to adopt such a program at home, but for those who are sick, the supervision of a competent health professional is strongly advised. One can also travel to the health centers that specialize in educating and/or healing people who are dedicated to regaining their health. A few places in Europe include Josef Issel's Ringberg Clinic in West Germany, and Dr Essen's Vita Nova in Sweden. In the United States, Hippocrates Health Institute of West Palm Beach, Florida provides a beautiful residential setting where one can learn by doing.

Can children use plant enzymes?

Most children have strong digestive systems. However, the fact that they can digest less-than-opitimal cooked foods does not automatically make these foods ideal for the future unfolding of their maximum health potential. Sure kids will digest the foods served them and still be full of youthful energy, but the same health principles hold for children as they do for adults: namely, that the process of aging is accelerated when enzyme reserves are squandered by tha burdan of digesting excessive amounts of cooked food.

Plant enzymes and medication

If you are under medical care or taking oral medication of any kind, there are steps you should take to avoid any inactivation of an enzyme supplement by your medication. Sprinkle plant enzyme powder on the food itself instead of taking the capsules or powder directly into your body. Make sure, however, that the food has cooled down a bit or else the enzyme powder will be damaged by the high heat of your food. In this way, the predigestive action of the enzymes will work directly on the food and not have to come in contact with the drugs that may be in your stomach.

Despite the long-overdue surfacing of the truth about enzymes, don't be surprised if your family doctor still downplays the importance or even the existence of enzymes in foods. Traditionally, segments of the medical community take a conservative posture on many issues. In fact, the majority of doctors, dieticians and nutritionists do not fully appreciate the contribution of food enzymes to health maintenance and the prevention of disease. At the conclusion of this chapter you will probably know more about food enzymes than most physicians!

Do plant enzymes survive gut acids?

Less than one fifth of all medical schools in the United States teach even the elementary aspects of nutrition. Of those that do teach it, the true role of food enzymes is rarely if ever taught. According to the prevailing accepted dictum, enzymes found in foods are destroyed by the hydrochloric acid of the stomach and are of virtually no use in the digestive economy. However, Dr. Howell has shown that as soon as a particular food is masticated in the mouth, the enzymes begin to digest the food. This has been confirmed by Finnish Nobel Prize winner Artturi Virtanen. When the food reaches the first part of the stomach, (upper cardiac stomach) the food enzymes are still actively working. It takes up to 50 minutes for the hydrochloric acid level to rise to the critical level where the acidity of the hydrochloric acid could inactivate the food enzymes in the food. Until this level is reached, food enzymes are still working. What is more, not all foods stimulate hydrochloric acid production appreciably. Foods like fruit, sprouts, grasses and many raw vegetables do not cause hydrochloric acid production to increase rapidly or in any great quantity. In this environment enzymes present in food have a longer time to do their work. According to Howell, even though saliva enzymes shut off in the presence of acid, food enzymes are not markedly disturbed.

After taking enzyme supplements, many people immediately feel a difference in the ease in which their food is digested. They also report an overall boost in their energy level. Others do not report any dramatic subjective improvement. The latter case is probably due to the relatively good health enjoyed already or the fact that the "bloom of youth" has not as yet faded. Whether you feel any immediate subjective improvements in your health as a result of taking enzymes is not as important as your understanding how enzymes do their work of enhancing digestion and assimilation, boosting the immune system and contributing to your body's total vitality.

In conclusion

Outside the human body, enzymes can produce dramatic effects very quickly. Enzymes are used in the process of making bread, wine, cheese, etc. Enzymes are used in laundry detergents, septic tanks, and in dissolving massive accidental oil spills. In these cases, there is no denying that enzymes do their work. Why then is there so much resistance to accepting that food enzymes do work in the human body?

In nature, all undomesticated animals eat an enzyme-rich diet. They live out their lives, largely free from degenerative diseases. The human animal is the only species that nourishes itself on a cooked, largely enzymeless diet. Our longevity and it well-being could be increased if we ate more whole foods with an emphasis uncooked foods.

When food is cooked, there is a reduction in the bioavailability of protein, vitamins, and minerals so that your cells get much less nutrition. Unless you cook at 118 degrees Fahrenheit or below (as in sun-drying or dehydrating foods), you will completely destroy all of the enzymes present in the food.

Dr. Howell's powerful words say it all: "There is no other mechanism in the body except enzyme action to protect the body from any hazard. It is ambiguous to say that "nature cures" when we must know that the only machinery in the body to do anything is enzyme action. Hormones do not work. Vitamins cannot do any work. Minerals were not made to do any work. Proteins cannot work. Nature does not work. Only enzymes are made for work."

Key references

Belfiore F, M.D. Enzyme Regulation & Metabolic Diseases

Greenberg, D. Ph.D. I Enzymes in Health and Disease

lnnerfield, Irvin, M.D., Enzymes in Clinical Medicine

Holcenberg John S., Enzymes as Drugs

Howell, E., M.D., Food Enzymes for Health & Longevity

Hogiwara, Y, M.D., Green Barley Essence

Kautchakoff, Paul, The Influence of Food Cooking on the Blood Formula of Man; Proceedings: The First International Congress of Microbiology, Paris

Martin, Gustav M.D., Clinical Enzymolgy

Rossi G. V.Ph.D., Diagnostic Use of Enzymes

Murray, Maynard, M.D., Sea Energy Agriculture

Ratcliff, Enzymes, Medicine's Hope, Readers Digest 6/61 Santillo, HumbartN.D., M.H. Food Enzymes

Sumner, J. B., The Secrets of Life - Enzymes

Wilkinson, J.H., The Digestive Enzymes & Aging

Wilkensen, H., Ph.D., DiagnosticEnzymology

Wolf, Max, M.D., Enzyme Therapy

This chapter is extracted from the ebook "Don't Dine Without Enzymes" About the Author: "Viktoras is the father of the modem day living-foods diet that is gaining popular support in the medical community. We see in Viktoras one of the most eminent geniuses in the history of the wellness industry." David Allen, PhD, author, wellness pioneer, researcher.

Viktoras is co-founder with Dr. Ann Wigmore of the world renowned Hippocrates Health Institute and developer of its wheatgrass and raw food program, Viktoras Kulvinskas has received international acclaim as an author, lecturer, and health consultant. In addition to publishing five books on natural healing, he has contributed articles to many publications including "Vegetarian Times", "Vegetarian Voice", "Health Street Journal", and "Alternatives". His bestselling definitive work on achieving health through raw foods, wheatgrass, enzymes, and spiritual practice, Survival In The 21st Century is now in its 35th printing. He has spearheaded the global raw foods revolution for some 40 years now.

He received his Master of Science degree in pure mathematics from the University of Connecticut. He was a computer consultant for HarvardUniversity, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, and the Apollo Project.

Viktoras has spoken at the United Nations on solving world hunger and health problems. His researches on blue green algae and enzymes have contributed to the widespread availability of these products. Viktoras continues his work today as the premier pioneer of the global raw foods healing movement.

Enzymens - Englisch Summery

​​Enzymes – The Secret Fountain of Youth

Enzymes are large protein molecules found in all living things – plant and animal. Your body is capable of producing two types of enzymes, metabolic and digestive. Digestive enzymes include things like protease, and lipase, and amylase for the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In human physiological terms, metabolic enzymes are the spark of life. They are the catalyst for every single chemical reaction in your body - every process, every action, every muscle movement, every sense, every thought, every word and every deed. The more enzymes you have inside of you the more alive you become.

Food in its’ original, fresh, ripe, raw and unadulterated state contains naturally occurring enzymes which aid in its’ own digestion. When a peach falls to the ground the cell walls are broken and a bruise develops at the point of contact. The enzymes are liberated and the peach begins to digest itself. The same process occurs when we chew the peach. This greatly reduces the burden of digestion from your body since it does not have to go through the taxing process of manufacturing enzymes for the digestion of the peach

This is a key point as the body expends a great deal of energy in the digestion of food. When you eat a cooked food meal, 80% of your body’s total available energy is expended in the processing of that meal. When you eat a raw food meal the energy expended in processing is reduced to only 20%. The less energy you expend on digestion the more energy you have available for life. Most people go through their entire lives totally unaware of their true potential because their bodies are perpetually under the heavy burden of processing the unnatural foods they are eating.

The more food is processed the more enzymes are destroyed and it becomes mostly “dead.” Because of their highly perishable nature, heat processing (cooking) destroys 100% of the enzymes in foods rendering it completely inert. This increases shelf life which is very desirable for the commercial food distribution industry but, it is highly undesirable for your body’s health and well-being. As a result of cooking and other forms of food processing, enzymes are largely missing from the Standard American Diet (SAD.) Other essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and proteins are also destroyed in the processing of food which creates other issues with your health which we will explore in greater detail in another article.

However, all is not lost as the body has the capability of producing digestive enzymes to make up for the lack of enzymes in cooked and otherwise processed foods. The problem is that you were born with a finite ability to manufacture enzymes. When you deplete your enzyme manufacturing capability, you die. The less of a burden you put on your body to produce digestive enzymes, the more metabolic enzymes will be available throughout your lifespan. This greatly improves your energy, vitality, health and longevity.

This is part of the magic and life force energy living foods like sprouts. According to Dr. Edward Howell who literally wrote the book on enzymes called “Enzyme Nutrition”, sprouts have up to 100 times the enzymes of even raw foods! Living foods are alive and you are alive. Since life begets life, the more living foods you take into your body at the expense of dead foods the more alive you become! It is not uncommon to see people who eat raw and living foods to look 15 years younger than their true chronological age and have soaring energy levels. Raw and living foods are truly anti-aging! Living foods create living bodies. Dead foods create sick, decaying and dead bodies.

Ja !!! Heel Nederland aan de medicinale ZEN-Tarwegras

Dit is een informatieve website over ZEN-Tarwegras planten. Deze website is met name geschreven door de spirituele leraar Maryse Moerel, waarbij zij zich uit, onder het recht van vrije meningsuiting, over de zin en het functioneren van het leven op aarde. Met name komt aan bod het functioneren van het menselijk lichaam en hetgeen dit menselijk lichaam nodig heeft volgens het wetenschappelijk onderzoek verricht in de afgelopen 80 jaar door het  Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach Florida onder leiding van doctoren Brain Clement en Anna Maria Clement. Op deze website worden geen producten aangeboden of verkocht. Het is de grootste wens van Maryse dat we allen in versneld tempo tot inzicht zullen komen inzake ons lichaam en de Aarde waarop we leven zodat we op een zinnige liefdevolle manier met onzelf, met elkaar, met onze mede levende schepsels en met Moeder Aarde om kunnen gaan.