ZEN-Colloidaal Platinum Water

Colloidal Platinum

Colloidal Platinum is documented as one of the major rejuvenator’s of the life force, working deeply with the DNA of the cell to create an internal environment necessary for the body to help reverse degenerative conditions.

Platinum is said to offer the following benefits:

•Enhances mental acuity

•Supports healthy regeneration of the heart tissue, thymus and the entire endocrine system

•Increases creativity

•increases mental focus and concentration

•Promotes lucid dreaming / mental clarity/ medetative states

•Promotes improved memory

•Supports DNA repair

•increases libido in both males and females

•Platinum is an antidepressant

•Restorative properties

Colloidal platinum will help to coordinate the interaction between the right and left hemispheres of the brain, producing patterns similar to those found in those individuals who are long term meditators. Alpha dominant patterns become more alpha, beta dominant patterns become more beta. Increased creativity, improved ability to learn, improved concentration and stress relief, have all been associated with harmonization and synchronization of brain wave activity.

Increased brain wave activity may reflect changes in a more consistent and directed use of mind energy. When the brain waves become more synchronized, between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, additional energy is created. This increased energy may result in increased usage of the brain and deeper understanding of what is being learned, which can give a more profound learning ability.

Platinum compounds are used in chemotherapy to fight certain types of cancer.

In the blood of humans and animals, platinum helps the process of destroying cancer cells. Only the form of Nano colloidal platinum works very destructive to cancer cells without the negative symptoms and effects that exist in chemotherapy drugs.

Platinum provides a connection with the cellular structure of the body and it activates the recognition of the healthy condition and the process required to maintain that condition, in the memory of each cell. Once the cell understands, it starts to create order within the cellular structures.

Colloidal Platinum supports DNA repair, and is therefore  known as one of the major rejuvenator’s of the life force. Colloidal platinum works together with the DNA of a cell to reverse degenerative conditions.

In homeopathy, Colloidal Platinum has been used for women suffering constipation, deafness, headaches, menstrual problems, nervous spasms, paralysis, numbness and irritability.

In western medicine, Platinum is used to treat cancer. (T.A. Conners and J.J.Roberts, eds)., Platinum Coordination Complexes In Cancer NY: Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 1974. (Stephen J.Lippard), ed., Platinum and Other Metal Chemotherapeutic Agents Washington, D.C: American Chemical Society, 1983.

Platinum based “chemo drugs”

Cisplatin The first chemo.

carboplatin, a second-generation platinum-based antineoplastic agent















Ja !!! Heel Nederland aan de medicinale ZEN-Tarwegras

Dit is een informatieve website over ZEN-Tarwegras planten. Deze website is met name geschreven door de spirituele leraar Maryse Moerel, waarbij zij zich uit, onder het recht van vrije meningsuiting, over de zin en het functioneren van het leven op aarde. Met name komt aan bod het functioneren van het menselijk lichaam en hetgeen dit menselijk lichaam nodig heeft volgens het wetenschappelijk onderzoek verricht in de afgelopen 80 jaar door het  Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach Florida onder leiding van doctoren Brain Clement en Anna Maria Clement. Op deze website worden geen producten aangeboden of verkocht. Het is de grootste wens van Maryse dat we allen in versneld tempo tot inzicht zullen komen inzake ons lichaam en de Aarde waarop we leven zodat we op een zinnige liefdevolle manier met onzelf, met elkaar, met onze mede levende schepsels en met Moeder Aarde om kunnen gaan.