
ZEN - Reishi - sporen

From ancient times, legends were told of a miraculous plant so powerful that those who could obtain it, could undergo total rejuvenation of the body and mind.  This plant was said to give you the strength of a young person and to let you live an optimal life span.  Even today, the reputation of this plant is greater than almost any other in history, yet most doctors have never even heard of it.  It is called Reishi (inJapan) or Ling-zhi (in Chinese).

Reishi is unrivaled in its long history as one of the most powerful herbs to help ensure a long, healthy life.  It has a dramatic ability to greatly strengthen the immune system.  ZEN-Reishi sporen contains unique, rare polysaccharides which have been proven to increase the RNA and DNA in the bone marrow, where the body makes B-cells.  Studies show that it promotes both B cells and T cells, specialized cells that are a critical part of the immune system.  Reishi is so effective that it is officially listed by the Japanese Government as a substance to treat cancer.

Hepatitis and liver disease

Chronic hepatitis, as with many liver diseases, is difficult to treat and often ends in premature death.  One study of people with chronic hepatitis showed that Reishi was effective in 71 to 98% of the cases.  Reishi contains a special factor, ganodosterone, which is a liver function stimulant and liver protector.  Promising research shows that Reishi helps regenerate the liver.  Because of its dramatic healing effects on both the immune system and the liver, Reishi is now used as the herb of choice by many doctors for hepatitis of all types, chronic fatigue, candidiasis, and arthritis.

Worldwide Reishi research

* Immunity:  boosts the weakened immune system  (as seen in cancer, Candida, chronic fatigue, heart disease, bronchitis, asthma, diabetes, allergies)

* Cancer:  used extensively with all types of cancer (breast, prostate, lung, pancreas, etc.)

* Brain:  helps improve memory, concentration, clarity, helps clear depression, anxiety, insomnia.

* Liver:  helps regenerate the liver; helps clear hepatitis and liver diseases

* Women:  helps clear PMS and menopause symptoms

* Allergies:  helps clear allergies

* Candida:  helps reduce or eliminate fungal overgrowth

Master terminator of infections

Reishi is a master eliminator of harmful bacteria such as staph, strep, E. coli and bacillus pneumoniae.  In one amazing study, researchers gave mice a fatal injection of E. coli.  In the control group, which received no Reishi, 100% died.  In the group of mice which were given Reishi 48 hours previous to the fatal injection, 85% lived!   No wonder Reishi is unrivaled in its long history as the most powerful of all herbs to give you a long, healthy life.  It has a dramatic ability to greatly strengthen the immune system.

Reishi helps against colds

Reishi contains unique, rare polysaccharides which have been proven to increase the RNA and DNA in the bone marrow, where your body makes B cells.  Studies show that Reishi strengthens both B cells and T cells.  These specialized cells are a critical part of your internal army that fights infection.  Studies show Reishi increases the strength and life span of all the white blood cells, the cells that fight infection.   Many doctors recommend Reishi at the first sign of any cold, flu or sore throat to help quickly stop the infection.  Better yet, take Reishi daily as your best insurance for a super healthy life.

Superb PH balance: organic Germanium

A key element in Reishi is its large amount of organic germanium, up to 2,000 ppm, 6 times more than even ginseng.  Organogermanium can dramatically increase the oxygen absorbed by your blood.  High oxygenation turns an acid body back to alkaline.  Candida and cancer thrive only in an acid body.  Organogermanium not only upregulates oxygen but also helps clear toxins.

Viruses: the wrong kind of friends

Typically present with Candida or cancer are "bad friends," such as harmful bacteria and viruses.  The internal conditions that have allowed the disease to flourish offers a great breeding ground for other undesirables.  Research shows that Reishi can stop viruses by helping your body to increase its own production of interferon, a powerful anti-viral substance.  In one study, Reishi provided 90% protection to cells even against deadly viruses such as Vaccinia.

Liver regeneration

Promising research shows that Reishi helps regenerate the liver.  In one study, mice were given a lethal dose of the pain-killer, Indomethacin.  In the control group, which received no Reishi, 90% of the mice died.  In the second group which received Reishi, 100% lived!  Reishi helps accelerate the clearance of drugs and chemicals from the body, thus helping the liver to detoxify faster. Reishi is the ultimate Phase I and Phase II liver detoxification tonic.

Beating chronic Hepatitis

Chronic Hepatitis is very difficult to treat.  This disease may plague people for years, slowly eroding their health, often leading to premature death.  One study of people with chronic hepatitis showed that Reishi was effective in 71 to 98% of the cases.  Reishi contains a special factor, ganodosterone, which is a liver function stimulant and liver protectant.

Conquering depression

Reishi has profound effects on the mind.  Reishi is well known for its calming and mood-altering effect.  That is why it is a world-class herb to help clear depression. Impaired liver function, poor nutrition and infection are often at the root cause of depression, anxiety and irritability.  Depression can also be caused by food allergies.  Research shows Reishi`s dramatic help in clearing food allergies.  Reishi revitalizes the blood and helps normalize IgG, an immunoglobulin responsible for triggering many food allergies.


Latin Name: Ganoderma lucidum

Family: Polyporaceae (Polypor Family)

Part used: Fruiting Body

Energetics: Bitter, Cool, Dry

Known as the longevity herb of Chinese medicine, the reishi mushroom has been utilized for its healthful properties for over 4,000 years. In the Taoist tradition, this herb has been consumed for its ability to enhance spiritual receptivity while calming the mind and spirit. But the reishi mushrooms’ influence far surpasses just the spiritual realm.

Reishi has been studied and celebrated for its effective sway over diabetes, particularly type 2. This herb has the capacity to normalize blood pressure and blood sugar levels, a diabetics dream. Not only that, reishi has been known to lower low-density lipoprotein (“bad” cholesterol) as well!

Due to its impressive influence over diabetes, reishi is now being considered as a tool to battle coronary heart disease. Studies have demonstrated reishi’s ability to inhibit histamine release and blood platelet aggregation, while activating the phagocytosis of macrophages. These fortunate properties place significant roadblocks in the formation of heart disease.

Additionally, reishi has been shown to improve the immune system due to the poly-saccharides present when brewed in hot water. These poly-saccharides strengthen the immune system, thereby allowing the body to fight off infections and diseases better.

There is also significant research being done on the use of these mushrooms for cancer treatment and symptom reduction.

Known as “the mushroom of immortality”, reishi promotes a strong body, a calm spirit and a healthy heart.

Actions: Adaptogen, analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumor, antiviral, cardiotonic, hepatoprotective, immune stimulant, rejuvenative. 



Altitude Sickness







Immune system strengthening


Rheumatoid Arthritis



Varicose Veins

Ja !!! Heel Nederland aan de medicinale ZEN-Tarwegras

Dit is een informatieve website over ZEN-Tarwegras planten. Deze website is met name geschreven door de spirituele leraar Maryse Moerel, waarbij zij zich uit, onder het recht van vrije meningsuiting, over de zin en het functioneren van het leven op aarde. Met name komt aan bod het functioneren van het menselijk lichaam en hetgeen dit menselijk lichaam nodig heeft volgens het wetenschappelijk onderzoek verricht in de afgelopen 80 jaar door het  Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach Florida onder leiding van doctoren Brain Clement en Anna Maria Clement. Op deze website worden geen producten aangeboden of verkocht. Het is de grootste wens van Maryse dat we allen in versneld tempo tot inzicht zullen komen inzake ons lichaam en de Aarde waarop we leven zodat we op een zinnige liefdevolle manier met onzelf, met elkaar, met onze mede levende schepsels en met Moeder Aarde om kunnen gaan.