1. Kangen Water


Kangen water heeft vier belangrijke natuurkundige eigenschappen die hieronder beschreven worden in het Engels.

Doordat de watermoleculen die normaal in clusters van 10 stuks H2O reizen, gesplits worden in enkele H2O moleculen waarbij de machine er ook nog een extra H molecuul afsplitst ontstaat er heel fijn HO water dat het lichaam om ongekende wijze kan hydrateren (zie punt A)

Kangen water heeft een negatieve ORP waarde waardoor patogenen en vrijradicalen onschadelijk worden gemaakt (zie punt B)

Kangen water kan getapt worden in een PH van o.a 7 / 8 / 8,5 / 9 of 9,5. Hierdoor kun je in 4 weken tijd je darmen schoon maken en ontzuren (zie punt C)

Kangen water fitert het leidingwater van ziekteverwekkers en chemische stoffen (zie punt D)

A. Microclusters and Hydratation - Kangen water

Studies have shown that water containing micro clusters or exceptionally small water molecules, penetrates the cell walls easily and can therefore provide much better hydratation. Unclustered water increases body hydration. The body absorbs unclustered water easily without the bloated feeling caused by drinking water. Unclustered water transports nutrients fast into the cells and it also exports waste materials and toxins easily out of the cells. Unclustered water, drank for more than a month, can really help you to reach a deeper level of detoxification. When using our very powerful healing superfoods like ZEN-Tarwegras, ZEN-HersenVitaal, ZEN-VotaalTotaal, ZEN-Enzymes, ZEN-Probiotica , ZEN-Spirulina and ZEN-Chlorella you enlarge their nutritional value by taking them in with micro clustered water like Kangen Water.

B. Free radical minimization - Kangen water

Kangen water has a negative ORP (Oxidation reduction Potential). This means it has the same negative charge as all your healthy body cells. When free radicals or other positively charged viruses, bacteria, parasites and cancer cells (“bad guys”) invade or take over the body, they are attracted to the negative ORP of the Kangen Water, bond with the Kangen water and are expelled from the body before these damaging organisms get a chance to bond themselves with your healthy body cells. Healthy negative charged body cells will loose there healthy charge and their life when they are invaded by positive charged ‘bad guys”. Kangen water acts like a negative charged buffer between “bad guys” and healthy body cells, preventing good cells to become “bad guys”.

The anti-oxidants from Kangen water reduce the effects caused by free radicals. Free radicals are known to attack healthy body cells due to their aggressive chemical nature, thus causing life-threatening diseases like cancer and heart attacks.

C. Alkalizing your body - Kangen water

The PH or our own blood is under a constant acid attack. De PH of the blood should be on a stable 7.2. If you eat to much acid foods, with a PH below 7.2, you become acidic. Most people are way too acidic because the western diet is completely out of balance. This acidic condition leads to premature aging and all chronic diseases, like hart disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer, arthritis, overweight, chronic fatigue, Parkinson. We deliver Kangen water at the PH of your choice: 8 – 8.5 – 9 – 9.5

D. Cleaning the tap water

In the Kangen machine is a big fiter to clean the tapwater form heavy metals and chemical pollutions. Depending on the watersituation in the area, extra filters can be placed behind the Kangen machine that have extra filtering capacities.

Acidic (verzurend) foods are:

alcohol - drugs – cigarettes – coffee – meat – fish - diary (milk, butter, cheese, yoghurt, eggs) - soda drinks - any foods with slow carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes) – sweats – desserts - any foods containing sugars – any foods containing chemicals - additives (conservation, preservation, color and taste makers) – any food containing chemical toxins (hormones, pesticides, herbicides, medicines in meat, heavy metals in fish) - any artificial lab vitamin and other chemically imitated nutrition – any food heated by a microwave – cooked food in general (because food heated above 40 degrees Celsius becomes without any enzymes, hence the body enzymes have to digest this cooked food leading to a body enzyme deficiency over the years)

Alkaline (ontzuren / basisch) foods are:

Living (uncooked - not steamed - not backed ) raw vegetables, some fruits, all sprouts, fresh green juices, superfoods, Kangen water with a PH of 8 – 8,5 – 9 – 9,5!!!

1 + 2 + 3 = 4 = Detoxification with Kangen water

Micro clusters carry toxins easily out of the body tissues, organs and cells.

The high negative ORP of Kangen water acts as an anti oxidant, neutralizing free radicals

The high alkaline PH of 9.5 of Kangen water creates a PH level in the body in which good intestinal bacteria like to live and in which all the so called “bad guys” start to die.

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 5 = longevity & wellbeing with Kangen water

Scientific benefits of purified water include also wellbeing and longevity. Kangen water reduces degenerative diseases by inhibiting the aging process while strengthening the immune system. When alkalinity is attained, wellness and physiological benefits of water are achieved.

Ja !!! Heel Nederland aan de medicinale ZEN-Tarwegras

Dit is een informatieve website over ZEN-Tarwegras planten. Deze website is met name geschreven door de spirituele leraar Maryse Moerel, waarbij zij zich uit, onder het recht van vrije meningsuiting, over de zin en het functioneren van het leven op aarde. Met name komt aan bod het functioneren van het menselijk lichaam en hetgeen dit menselijk lichaam nodig heeft volgens het wetenschappelijk onderzoek verricht in de afgelopen 80 jaar door het  Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach Florida onder leiding van doctoren Brain Clement en Anna Maria Clement. Op deze website worden geen producten aangeboden of verkocht. Het is de grootste wens van Maryse dat we allen in versneld tempo tot inzicht zullen komen inzake ons lichaam en de Aarde waarop we leven zodat we op een zinnige liefdevolle manier met onzelf, met elkaar, met onze mede levende schepsels en met Moeder Aarde om kunnen gaan.